Swan Lake

Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 7 customer ratings


‘Swan lake” is probably the most famous classic ballet in the world. And here in St. Petersburg it is known to be a ‘must have’ show for every theatre which has a ballet trope. So nearly every theatre in a city has it’s own version of the Swan Lake. Be sure to see this show if you love ballet! It is really a must-see and it is great in most of the theatres! Of course, the most popular theatres in city are Mariinsky, Mikhailovsky and Alexandrinsky so look for those places first.

Use ‘Buy tickets’ button to see the ‘Swan Lake’ schedule and full list of theatres where it is available.

The famous ballet

‘Swan Lake’ is #1 ballet in Russia. Music is composed by the greatest composer Pyotr Chaikovsky and is probably even more famous than the show. Be sure you like the legendary ‘Swan lake’ if you love ballet in general. And check out some pictures and video we provide.

theatres run this show

This is 2013 Mariinsky theatre full show record (2+ hours in length). Please scroll it to see different parts of show.

Address: there are 9 theatres running this show so please see the website selling tickets by using the ‘Buy tickets’ button for more details (or click the map markers for address)